Hashim Amla seorang pemain kriket menolak menggunakan kostum dengan sponsor logo Castle (perusahaan bir). Dan ia juga menolak menerima bayaran dari Castle. Amla mengatakan "Mempromosikan bir dan minuman keras dilarang dalam Islam." Dan Alhamdulillah, South African Breweries and Cricket South Africa memberi ijin bagi Amla untuk tidak memakai kaos logo Castle.
Berikut kutipan dari wawancara dengan Hashim Amla:
"The importance of my religion has increased as I have got older. I couldn’t put a time frame on it but I have found that following the Islamic way of life has a lot of beauty to it. Although I was born into a Muslim family I wasn’t always practicing. The more I have understood the differences in the various faiths I have adopted as much of Islam as possible. I’m certainly no saint but the discipline of the Islamic way of life has helped my cricket without a doubt. I don’t drink and I pray five times a day, which gives stability to my daily routine."
Referensi: Islam Religion
BalasHapusorg muslim emank seharusx gitu sob.., hrs berlepas diri dr segala kebiasan2 org kafir... *smile
Subhanallah semoga makin banyak orang yang komitmen dengan ajarannya :)